Historically, lavender has been revered for its fragrance and healing properties. Tracing back 2,500 years, lavender has been utilized by many civilizations. In ancient Egypt, lavender was popular for mummification. Phoenicians used lavender in cooking and bathing, while Arabian women valued lavender oil in their hair.
Lavender gets its name from the Latin word "lavare" ("to wash"). Through the ages, it has been used for making soaps and cosmetics. The fresh scent and antiseptic properties combine for wonderful, natural cleaning products. Herbalists have used lavender as a medicinal plant for centuries. Lavender is reported as a cure for insomnia and back pain in ancient Greece. Anointing with lavender oil was recorded in ancient Greek writings. The Bible refers to “the oil of nard,” which is believed to be a variety of lavender that grew in the Mideast.
Lavender was made popular throughout Europe during the middle ages. Then, the colonists brought lavender with them as they settled the Americas. It was recognized for healing properties in salves and tinctures. The tea produced by steeping the flower buds was used to help with stomach ailments and the flowers were used in meat rubs. These uses are still popular today!